Wobbler Eimann Minnow 120
This authentic twitching bait with outstanding, attractive action is the result of several years of field-testing, experiments and improvements in the weight system and design realized by our constructors and experts. As opposed to other floating lures, Eimann Lure 120 attracts predators in both warm and cold seasons. Precise weight tuning permits horizontal floating. You can easily adapt your individual weight adjustment by changing the wire leader or treble hook size without damaging the lure action. Eimann Lure 120's weight tuning has been kept secret by professional sportsmen for a long time, but now this secret is easily accessible to you. When tightly twitched or jerked, the bait makes a special Bumpee sound which tantalizes predators. Chaotic jerking motion with specific vibration when twitched stimulates an attack even of less active species. Digitally designed weight adjustment assures long and accurate casts with head-up position in the water to imitate a feeding fry. During retrieve, the lure's weight shifts forward to a special inside chamber for optimum horizontal position and swinging action. While using Eimann Lure 120, you'll fully enjoy the advantages of precise weight tuning in combination with its innovative design.
Model: | Weight, g: | Type: | Level, m: | Size, mm: |
Eimann Minnow 120 |
22 |
slow sinking |
0,6 - 1,5 |
120 |
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